Welcome to Vienna
Rob and I hope you will enjoy your stay. To make your visit easier, we put together this page for you. Please read it carefully. If you have any questions, please contact me.
(Please keep this page confidential)
Address: Bischof Faber Platz 9A/7, 1180 Wien, Austria (go all the way up the stairs to the last door on top)
Name: A1-1510A4
Password: 85A5B62CMX
Your Keys
The apartment door has a security lock. Professional key services CANNOT open the lock. Please have them with you at all times, when you leave the apartment. When you move out, please place your set of keys back in to the key lock box in the spare room, where you first found them.
It is a smart TV. Log into your accounts and start watching. Please make sure to LOG OUT of your accounts before you leave.
Coffee Maker
It is a Nespresso machine, but you can buy the same coffee tabs or pods from different brands in the grocery store.
All windows open electronically with a remote control (except the little round one in the bedroom). It is gray and black and square shaped. Please make sure that ALL windows are closed before you leave the house, even for short trips. Rain can come and go out of nowhere.
Open the door: Move handle to the right, into a horizontal position, like a door handle. This should put the door into a leaning position — meaning the bottom of the door is still attached in the railing, but the top part of the door is now detached by a few inches. Now pull the handle down, like a door handle and give it a little push to the right.
Close the door: Take the handle and slide the door back to the left with a little bit more force so the door attaches back into the hinges on the bottom. The handle is still in a horizontal position. Only when the bottom is attached again, you can take the handle and slowly move it back into the original, vertical position. If you should have issues with it, I am sure that there is a youtube video on it.
When you are on the terrace, enjoy yourself! But please respect our neighbours. The rule in Austria is till 10pm you can have fun outside, before noises calm down around this neighborhood.
Air Condition
The unit is above the entrance door. Use the white remote control to turn it on and off.
The entire apartment has floor heating. Use the remote control on the wall next to the book shelf to control temperature.
Washing machine
Find the washing machine in the kitchen island. Open the little drawer on top left. The detergent goes into the biggest section of the three. There is a drying rack for hanging wet items. The detergent is under the sink.
The trash bins are in the same room where you got the key. Use any bin for trash and recycle in the bids across the street.
Your dog
There are two dogs in the building and they are both friendly. When it rains, please clean paws m off the furniture while they are wet. Otherwise, we don’t care where you cuddle with your pet :-) The Türkenschanzpark is dog-friendly. Vienna is super strict about picking up after your door. The city provides free poop bags. You can find one at the entrance to the park, next to the dog section. You can buy dog food and great treats at Dog Zone.
Public Transportation
Its just fantastic. You can by passes on the Wiener Linien. The next tram station and Bus station are a 5 min walk away (Tram 41 and Bus 40A)
Grocery store
Eat like a local: Breakfast
For great coffee and the best Croissants, go to Lilasoul.
Eat like a local: Lunch
The Meierei at the Türkenschanzpark — get the Backhendl Salat.
Eat like a local: Dinner
Hollerkoch — Austrian fusion, Freyenstein - Austrian food, little pricey, Monte Rosa - Get a pizza
Emergency contact: my friend Anna: +43 660 5038111 She lives an hour away. She knows the apartment well. Please call her, if you have burning questions during the day until 3pm. During the late afternoon, evening and night hours, you can call me here in the US. I have a time difference of +8 hours. Whatsapp or facetime: +1 310 430 4318
The key.