Talitag Collection: Wednesday Morning
inspired by my ongoing project
fell in love
hello mystery/ don't bother to explain
colossal signs so i got lost
since forever and a day
when the signals fail to fade
silver Talitag with engraving on a long silver ball chain
EUR 95
Bazaar der Eitelkeiten macht einen Seitensprung.
Einmalig werden die neue Kollektionen von Daniela Skrein, Georg Trenker und pel!so von 7. bis 9. April 2011 im LOFTS 20 präsentiert.
I will create large size paintings just for these humongous walls. It's gonna be big! Some new jewelry will be there also; little gold things and vintage brooche necklaces.
Vintage Brooche Ribbon Necklaces
All are unique.
Made with collected vintage brooches of the 30', 40' and 50'.
Exclusively designed for and available at SKREIN* SCHMUCKWERKSTATT
Spiegelgasse 5, 1010 Wien
43 1 513 2284
Mo-Fr 10.00-18.00
Sa 10.00-14.00